About WEHS


West End High School empowers responsible citizens through a rigorous, high-quality, relevant education in a safe, supportive, and student-centered environment.


Building the foundation today for tomorrow: Empowering, Challenging, Succeeding.

WEHS School Seal

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West End High School News

  • WEHS Blood Drive graphic
    Mar 11, 2025 · West End High School

    WEHS Blood Drive moved to Tuesday, April 1

    See the graphic for details! Please note the date has changed to Tuesday, April 1.

  • ACAP Logo
    Sep 8, 2024 · West End High School

    Student Device Policy

    Student Device Policy:

    Students shall not possess any digital device within the testing room when participating in ACAP testing. The possession of a digital device by students participating in ACAP testing is strictly prohibited during the administration of a test. The ONLY exception to this policy is for students who have been pre-approved by the Building Test Coordinator or the Principal to have a digital device that is necessary for the health and/or well­ being of the student.

    If students are in possession of a digital device that is within their reach during the administration of an ACAP test, the device will be confiscated and, if the appropriate administrator determines that there is reasonable suspicion that the device was used to capture, record, or share test information or to facilitate cheating on the test, it may be subject to search pursuant to LEA policy for any information directly related to the ACAP test being administered. Additionally, the student will be dismissed from testing immediately and the test may be invalidated in accordance with ACAP policy. Violation(s) may result in disciplinary action by the LEA in accordance with the LEA's disciplinary policy.


March 2025


    2024-25 Alabama Family, Student School Climate Surveys for WEHS

    Families and students, please fill out the following surveys about West End High School:

    Family Survey

    Student Survey

    Prom King & Queen, Song Voting

    Click below to vote for WEHS prom king and queen, and top five prom songs:

    Prom king and queen

    Prom music


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